Arma Hobby 1/72 FM-2 Wildcat

Started by George R Blair Jr · 83 · 3 months ago · 1/72, Arma Hobby, FM-2 Wildcat
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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Hi Bernard (@lis). You are absolutely correct about photoetch. I really like the way it looks, but sometimes it is a real chore to get it done.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    I spent the last 2 days working with the tiny photoetch and getting the cockpit ready for the fuselage. Full disclosure: I spent almost as much time searching for parts that fell into the carpet as I did actually working on the PE. I was prepping the plastic pieces for the PE, and one fell into the carpet. It was relatively large, and was painted interior green, so how hard could it be to find it? I searched for an hour and then decided to scratchbuild it. I had to guess the size, then painted it, and finally added the PE parts to it. The next day, as I was looking for a tiny piece of PE that I had dropped, I found the missing panel. It was in a part of the carpet I had scoured at least 3 times. I used my scratchbuilt part anyway. The size of the two parts was amazingly similar. I hope to get the fuselage halves ready and glued tomorrow.

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    Carl Smoot said 4 months ago:

    Cockpit looks great George (@gblair). That PE is a pain at times. And the carpet monster, amazing how many times that same scenario happens where the part disappears , then reappears either after you can't use it, or when you least expect it.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Hi Carl (@clipper): The thing I can't figure out is how something so light can bounce such a great distance when it hits the carpet. I think the PE is just messing with us.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months ago:

    Excellent job, my friend @gblair! Love this cockpit. I believe there's a parallel universe in every modeler's carpet.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months ago:

    That interior looks really nice, George @gblair.
    Thanks for sharing the glue alternative, might gives this a try as well because I always seem to mess up with CA glue.

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    Carl Smoot said 4 months ago:

    George (@gblair), I already know the answer to that because I have often wondered the same thing. So one day, I quietly hid behind the door and just watched my work area. Would you believe it, I saw these short little two legged furry creatures with pointy ears rise up out of the carpet and go around moving things and dropping them in different places in the carpet. Some even climbed up on my workbench and stole parts off my work area and hid those in the carpet. Guess I need to get pest control to take a look in my hobby room. 🙂

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Spiros (@fiveten). Now all I need to do is figure out how to enter the parallel universe and retrieve my parts.

    Thanks, John (@johnb). The Ultra Glue is designed for PE. It works very well for things that have a flat surface area, like an instrument panel. And it dries perfectly clear. It also gives some time to adjust the placement.

    Hi Carl (@clipper): Now I know why the parts never seem to turn up again. At least they are equal opportunity and steal both plastic and PE parts.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    I have been watching college football today, but I managed to get some work done during the halftime breaks. I reached the point in the instructions where I had to pick a paint scheme because the configuration of the plane is different for the different paint schemes. I chose the paint schemes that carried under-wing rockets, which then dictated the tail wheel and a few other things. I am trying to be careful in my building because you have to build portions of the landing gear prior to closing the fuselage. It looks like everything ended up straight. The fuselage was having problems fitting over the cockpit assembly, but I finally got a good fit. I left the upper nose and part of the turtle deck unglued so I can do a little work to minimize any cleanup. The last thing I did was drill the holes in the wing for the rockets. More tomorrow. Cheers.

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    Carl Smoot said 4 months ago:

    I like the gray scheme George (@gblair). Have you decided which one yet? I love how the PE adds to that landing gear interior detail. When I think back to the Monogram 1/48 Wildcat I built in the 1980s which I had to make brass tubing (and very inaccurate) landing gear because there was absolutely nothing in the interior. Even the cockpit, if I recall, was simply a pilot with a peg on his back that glued into the back bulkhead. I had to scratchbuild all of the cockpit on that one. But this kit just blows all that away, and in 1/72 no less. Amazing.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Hi Carl (@clipper): I always prefer the Atlantic scheme, so I will probably go with the grey and white. This kit is really detailed and has been fun to build, even if it means working with PE that I can barely see. I built the old Monogram Wildcat several times, and I fondly remember the pilot with the peg coming out of his back. At one point I was thinking about scratchbuilding a new cockpit, but some of the newer Wildcats were coming out, so I chose them instead. I had to do a little adjustment on the cockpit for this one to get the fuselage to close around it. All the parts of the cockpit all slotted into each other, so theoretically it should have fit perfectly. I suspect there was just enough play in the parts to cause a slight misalignment. The fuselage should close up fine, and I am hoping not to have too much sanding to do. I should know more tomorrow. Cheers.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months ago:

    Solid progress, my friend @gblair!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months ago:

    Some really nice progress, George @gblair
    Personally I also do look that white/grey scheme a lot. Looking forward to it.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Spiros (@fiveten) and John (@johnb). Today is game day with the kids, but I hope to get some work done.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    I got the fuselage filled, sanded, and rescribed today. I also got the engine painted and installed. The engine is very detailed, including a bunch of PE. I voted to leave the PE for the ignition wires off the engine. The engine looks very detailed to me, and I was getting really frustrated working with very tiny PE. Speaking of tiny, there is a very small piece that attaches to the top of the center housing, and then a very tiny PE gear attaches to that. I was attempting to glue the plastic piece in place when it twanged into the carpet. After an hour of looking, I managed to find the piece. I added glue to the top of the engine, tweezered the piece in place, and then had it promptly fall off. I had apparently missed the spot of glue, and the piece was in the carpet again. It only took 30 minutes to find it this time, and it is now safely glued to the engine. My Karma must indeed be in sync with the universe to find this piece twice. I also built and installed the wings. All of these pieces are now drying overnight. All the tail surfaces go on tomorrow, then another few hours for the glue to dry. Then it will be time to tackle the rest of the landing gear. :o)

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