And painted it is!
The color it is supposed to have is either “Barracks Grey” or “Sad Grey”
I have been trying to get the correct color, and some may say that they were “Legion Condor” colored. As they were manufactured a bit after the war, I think not. The one preserved is some sort of light aircraft Grey. . .
And in my last batch of paint from the worlds biggest aircraft carrier (England), there was a paint called RAF Light Aircraft Grey.
And so it was. I painted it in two rounds with some thinned down paint. Xtracolor dries very fast when thinned with their “in-house” thinner.
Now it will have to be very dry as it is a uniform color and to handle it I will have to touch the paint, so once again it will be a long wait for the next post – feel free to comment on the color or whatever you feel like to comment on. Thanks for watching.