Cessna 172P OY-CFJ, Greenland FINISHED

Started by Erik Gjørup · 96 · 3 years ago · 1/48, airbum, arctic decals, Cessna, Cessna172, GLAF, greenlandair, grønlandsfly, Haldværk, halfworks
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    George R Blair Jr said 4 years ago:

    You're right. The T-41B had a 210 hp engine, as opposed to the 145 hp engine in the T-41A. The T-41C used in Colorado had some other modifications to make it more suited to flying out of high altitude airfields.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Excellent progress @airbum! Great to add all these small details to your "personalized" plane. I loved its flight manual background.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    Thank you for the comments and info guys. Appreciated!

    Another update shortly @gblair, @fiveten

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:


    - and assembly commences.

    Having fast-tracked the interior the cabin is testfitted (I know, I thought maybe I had it primed by now in the last update - yeah yeah)

    The carpet sort of covers the huge intrusions in the cabinfloor – I think I may make a plastic or cardboard cover next time as the tape is a bit prone to bending.

    Speaking of tape, seatbelts were fashioned from tape and painted Humbrol 33 black and some AK silver for the hardware.

    Instrument panel – parkbrake and flap-handle added. Not that any of it will be too easy to spot through the distorted glass. I made a bit of a mess of it anyway.

    And with that done

    • assembly of the fuselage and wing – and filling the skylights as they were not in OY-CFJ

      Now, those decals look like a million!

    Set aside to set and harden, I think that I will paint the upper fuselage before assembly – that red is difficult to reach when all is glued up

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    That's proceeding beautifully, @airbum! I love that fuselage! Seen a lot of them today!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    Thanks @fiveten - yes, there was a lot of 172's at your airfield! Another post coming up next.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    Engine, undercarriage and masking

    Ok, it is an American, so that will be landing gear I suppose?

    I closed up the fuselage, did some masking and to close up the front I had to install the firewall.

    As the firewall got in, I might as well install the engine. It will need some counterweight, so hold your horses for that before paint of the innards here.

    The wingtips are really awful, and needs correction. First up, I try some filler.

    That is just experimenting, and I may have to build something in plastic – perhaps a master, mold and some resin to make more? Never tried that though.

    What comes up next I do not know right now – it needs to have the undergearcarriagething completely cured before I handle it again

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Coming together just great @airbum!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    Thank you @fiveten - just got some more done before my 4-weeks-in-a-row at work starting tomorrow. One more post coming right up:

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    Lead the way

    First round of primer, and the legs cured – time for counterweight

    Now, The legs had the time they needed to be able to carry some weight. First up, some primer.

    Just a thin first layer.

    And then wings loosely fitted, and checking just how much is needed.

    Well, that seems to balance it. Quite a lot that has to be glued in place!

    Well, cutting the lead in smaller bites and stowing them where they will be invisible. . .

    That was a challenge, but with room for just one tiny bit more it is once again set aside for glue to dry – this time it is ordinary white glue too keep the bits in place.

    next up I hope to have finished the primer on the fuselage and masked for red top – or perhaps the wingtips are done first. Stay tuned!

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 years ago:

    I had forgotten all of the weight that was needed to balance this model when I built it several years ago. I built the model in USAF T-41 colors and gave it to my wife, who was an instructor at the Flight Screening Program flying T-41's at the time. Looking forward to seeing the paint and decals on yours.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    I loved your lead tutorial @airbum. It lead-ed the way! This small plane turns out fantastic!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    George and Spiros, I have managed today to get the tipping point just about right so that there is a minimum of weight on the nosegear, it just about filled up every nook and cranny available.

    @gblair, @fiveten - short update comin' up

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    More filler

    Engine compartment assembled, more filler needed

    As could be expected I wasn’t ready for masking and red today – but the engine got painted and the cowling assembled – and some errors to hatches got filled.

    The rear of the cabin got a light round of filler

    Just because I know that a lot more will be needed, and this is the base layer.

    The engine-cover got masked for filler to cover up the wrong hatches

    – actually the large one on the left side is for older versions with the O-300 engines, and the one on the right is for the O-320 that is correct for this version, but placed in a slightly wrong location, and very wrong shape.

    And then some sanding and THEN I might be ready for a splash of color – stay tuned

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Good morning, @airbum! Your 172 comes along along fantastically! Cooling fins are...cool! resembling the ones at the cylinders.
    Myself just tidying my Me-261 (nonexisting in the kit) cockpit.
    All the best!