Eduard 1/48 P-51D Mustang

Started by Yann Bertholet · 21 · 2 months ago · . 1/48, Eduard, Mustang, P-51D, Yoxford Boys
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    Yann Bertholet said 2 months, 1 week ago:

    Thanks a lot guys @fiveten, @gblair, @john. I'm slowly reaching the end of this project. All parts have been done, just to fix them together and of course decaling.

    I really lost a lot of time with the prop spinner. I could not find a good technique for the bicolor painting. First I tried with paint mask for curve, this left big gaps. Then I tried with a plastic straw on top and by applying liquid mask on the bottom, my hand was too shaky and the result was catastrophic. Eventually I took normal masking tape and start cutting various curve with different radius and the result is not too bad.


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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months, 1 week ago:

    The spinner looks really nice this way, Yann @yann
    Finish line is definitely in sight.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 months ago:

    Spinner looks great, my friend @yann!
    Great progress, gradually approaching the finish line!

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    Yann Bertholet said 2 months ago:

    Thanks a lot my friends @fiveten, @johnb. And there we are decals in position. Before that I applied a juice mix of oil paint mixed with Zippo gasoline. I'm usually doing it after the decals but last time, after rubbing the surface, some decals disappeared, this time I did not want to take a chance.

    Everything went smoothly until I reached the nose part and the checkered part. I had 2 set of decals: the one provided with the kit and a spare from superscale.

    First one has been destroyed (by my-self) due to a poor alignment, and the second detroyed by it-self while applying.

    2 solutions, purchasing a new set, pretty costly for just one decal or trying a new technic (for me) to paint the checkered board. 2nd solution retained.

    For a first try I'm pretty please, ok that looks nice from far but far to be nice when closing in.

    Thanks for passing by.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 months ago:

    Excellent decal job and equally excellent painted checkered nose section, my friend @yann!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months ago:

    Excellent work done, Yann @yann