H-K Models 1/48 Lancaster B.1 - please delete this post, Admin - it's double

Started by Tom Cleaver · 1 · 2 years ago
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    Tom Cleaver said 2 years, 10 months ago:

    Just landed on my porch 2 hours ago.

    Pawing through the box and looking at the contents, one thing is very clear: this kit is competitive price-wise (maybe +$20 at the max) with the 40+ year old Tamiya Lancaster - but what's-there-wise, there is no competition. This is the kit Mr. Tamiya would have wanted if he'd had the technology then to design and produce it. You won't need any Belcher Bits resin engine cowlings. Every sub-set - turrets, etc. - are models in themselves.

    And in 1/48 rather than the magnificent 1/32 kit, you won't have to rent a hangar at the local airplane patch to store and display it. Quality-wise, it's the 1/32 kit downsized, just like the B-17s (without any of the "fatal flaws" of the B-17s).

    Once I finish the Whirlwind and the Beaufighter 21, this is atop The Pile O' Kits.