Hasegawa "'Pearl Harbor Attack Part 2" 1/48 A6M2/B5N2/D3A1

Started by Keith · 130 · 1 year ago
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    Keith said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    I discovered this kit around fall of last year and had a pretty rough time tracking it down. It is a limited kit and had a very limited run. Fortunately though, my wife was able to score one off Ebay as a Christmas present. I was initially drawn to the kit having all three planes in one. Especially the B5N Kate with the torpedo. At the time of discovering this kit, I had also been wanting to build an A6M2. The D3A1 was icing on the cake as I have a bit of nostalgia from using that plane in the video game Battlefield 1942 as a teenager.

    The kit includes one large decal sheet that is to be used amongst the three models. Each plane has it's own separate manual.

    As seen below, all three planes are in separate sealed plastic bags.

    I picked up Eduard PE seat belts, and detail kits for all three. Eduard masking for the B5N2 Kate and D3A1 Val.

    Since the torpedo wielding B5N2 Kate is what drew me to this kit in the first place; I will start with it.

    This will likely be a rather long work in progress thread as I plan on finishing all three back to back to back.


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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    That Kate is older than many realize - it was one of the first Mania kits, from the early 70s, that revolutionized plastic kits with more detailed cockpits and such. When Mania went out of business in 1976, Hasegawa bought them and hired the designers, which is how Hasegawa kits began their "revolutionary changes" starting in the early 80s.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Amazing entry, my friend @greenterrorz! Looking forward to all three!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    What a wonderful kit, Keith @greenterrorz
    Three amazing aircraft and lots of extras in one go, what more to wish.
    Looking forward to them.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    I am looking forward to this build, Keith (@greenterrorz). I also like these planes and have managed to accumulate these kits separately, but have never built any of them. Should be a fun build. It is interesting that everything is separate except the decals.

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    Keith said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Thank you all for showing interest. I am excited to get started on the build.

    Right now I am in the research phase and having a difficult time finding a reference to the B11-322. I know that the B11-322 was launched during the first wave from the carrier Hiryu, but cannot confirm if Hasegawa has the correct color recommendations.

    I have browsed J-aircraft.com as others seem to recommend being a good source. Unfortunetly though, There is no mention of the B11-322.

    From J-Aircraft.com, it appears the colors of these planes have been a debate for a long time. I primarily use Tamiya paint and have located the following statement from their site submitted by one of their members -

    "Hello All,
    This is my installment to the never-ending debate on early war Japanese Overall Finishes. I'm planning to do (and hopefully soon) a Tora Tora Tora trio, now that Hasegawa's new Kate is out.
    If I were to start this today, I believe I would use Tamiya IJN Grey with German 02 and Light Grey added. Some are saying more 02, as IJN Tamiya would be too green. I want to depict a slighty weathered, faded finish as well. But I think the Light Gray I have so often seen is not correct- for those carrier based a/c with white fuselage and tail stripes, the gray is too close to the white. Anyway, I've heard a lot of things and have some idea of what I'd like to do, but I'd like some input."

    I am curious if any of you have any input in regards to the color of the plane?

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Found this article concerning another Kate, BII-307 from the carrier Hiryu that participated in the first wave of level bombing during the attack on Pearl Harbor. The article contains some painting info you might find useful, my friend @greenterrorz.

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    Keith said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Great find Spiros @fiveten. Thanks for the assistance!

    That article mentions using Aeromaster IJN green to paint the top portion of the plane. I was able to find this article on J-airplane.com {https://j-aircraft.com/research/amacryl.htm} which compares various paints to the AM IJN Green. It appears that Tamiya XF-11 was a pretty close match according to this persons analysis.

    As it stands:

    Cockpit will be XF-71 - IJN Cockpit green

    Top of the aircraft and a portion of the under side wings will be XF-11 - JN Green with XF-52 - flat earth camo/mottles.

    bottom of the aircraft will be the mixture XF-14 JA Grey and XF-52 flat earth.

    Engine cowl a mixture of XF-17 sea blue,XF-24 dark grey, and maybe a touch of XF-1 black

    Hasegawa recommends "silver" for both the prop and torpedo, but I was thinking of going with Alclad aluminum or another more dull metal.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    A more dull shade than "silver" will definitely look more correct, my friend @greenterrorz!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Some great information, Keith @greenterrorz
    Bookmarked the mentioned website, very helpful for Japanese aircraft modelling.
    I do agree with Spiros @fiveten about the dull metal color instead of silver.

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    Erik Gjørup said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    A small booklet that is very nice to have regarding japanese colors is the "Combat Colours no 9" with very well documented references to the colours for the Zero and Rufe: The Mitsubishi Zero Type 0 Carrier Fighter (A6M) 'Zeke' in World War Two by Nicholas Millman
    I got mine from Aviation Megastore, and there is a link to it on scalemates here: https://www.scalemates.com/books/the-mitsubishi-zero-combat-colours-9-nicholas-millman--114119
    Have fun!

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    Keith said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Great suggestion Erik @airbum. I need to invest in some good reference materials.

    I got some parts ready for paint. Awaiting on a bottle of XF-71 IJN Cockpit green to arrive.

    So far the build is seeming straight forward. Not to much removal was required to make way for the Eduard PE parts. Since the PE parts are colored, I am going to paint the whole cockpit assembly first and then install the PE.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Great parts preparation, my friend @greenterrorz!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    Good preperation and wise decision to paint everything prior to the PE installment, Keith @greenterrorz

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 year, 11 months ago:

    The cockpit looks like a large canvas for detailing, paint, and weathering, Keith @greenterrorz. Over the years I have collected a huge library of reference material on various planes, but when I need info, I always seem to go to the internet first. It seems easier to sit in my chair and stroll through internet sources than getting up and searching around through my books. And I usually end up finding the info I need in a book and not the internet.