This is another one of my ongoing projects. I've always liked the look of this aircraft, I think it looks better than the F-86 Sabre (although they are only related by the company being different aircraft). The HobbyBoss kit has a number of issues, most of which can be addressed with a bit of elbow grease. Probably the worst is the "Banana curve" at the base and slightly forward of the vertical stabilizer. The lower air brakes are too low on the fuselage, and the fuselage scoops for the engine are too tall and too wide at the aft end. There are others which I will look at as I get to them.
I've addressed the banana curve by adding a piece of plasticard in the curve and then blending it in. I sanded off the lower air brakes and will replace those a bit later in the correct position. I fixed the scoops by sanding them down for height a bit, and making cuts from the aft end in each of the bends, then regluing the plastic. The removed material from the saw blade is enough to change the shape of the scoops at the aft end.

1. Slice the scoops and then re-glue them to narrow them at the aft end.

1. Banana curve removed
2. Gun troughs drilled out for barrels
3. Removed incorrectly placed lower air brakes for later repositioning.
4. Scoop on fuselage size lowered in height and shaped with more aft end taper
I removed the wing tips as I will be building this with the wings folded. Interestingly enough, the upper and lower cut lines are offset and there is no way the wing could fold without interference if they were real. Fortunately, I noticed this and was able to correct this with the help of some good reference photos. However, the kit only supplies a rib for the wing and nothing for the tip (and the detail is not correct anyway), so that will have to be dealt with as well.
The surface details will be embellished with riveting and restored as needed once I make all the corrections.
I found some figures and a tow tractor and the plan is to mount this on a carrier deck base. I think it will look pretty cool when it's done.