IAR-80, Hobby Boss 1/48

Started by Jaime Carreon · 48 · 4 years ago
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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    This pandemic thing and my unexpected retirement has resulted in all sorts of spare time, so I've been building models. This is the fourth one in as many months, something I haven't done in a lot of years.

    The model is the Hobby Boss 1/48 IAR-80, an indigenous WWII Romanian fighter based loosely on Polish PZL designs. The airplane saw quite a bit of combat against both the USAAF and the RAF and was among the fighters intercepting the bomber raids against the Ploesti oil refineries. I discovered this one many years ago, but I think this is the first mainstream kit of this relatively unknown aircraft.

    It's a nice little kit, fairly well detailed, low parts count, all the things I like in a model. It's accuracy has been questioned by the rivet counters, but it looks like an IAR-80 to me, so of I went. There's a small PE sheet and decals for two aircraft included. What you see here is about two days of work. Of course I got started before checking my references, so the seat and cockpit floor are not quite the right color.

    I'll throw in a plug for the excellent book on this aircraft by master modeler Radu Brinzan, which is a must have if you want to build this aircraft. A friend and I are hatching a plan to scratchbuild a 1/4 RC IAR-80. We'll see what happens.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Hi Jaime @jetmex!
    Your IAR choice is so cool!
    For some reason, I love a lot the IAR-80, the Hobby Boss release making me very happy!
    I am tuned to your build with great interest and anticipation.
    It will be a super build for sure!
    Sorry to hear about your unexpected retirement: Keep walking my friend!

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    I agree with Spiros (@fiveten), this is a great choice. I knew little about the plane until I recently read a book on the Ploesti raids. I had always assumed the Luftwaffe provided all of the defense of the oil fields. I can tell you that retirement can be good, once you figure it out. Stay busy and stay safe.

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Thanks! It's an interesting airplane for sure, sort of reminds me of the Hughes H-1 racer with the long nose and cockpit set well back. I'll have a few more pics later, most of the major assembly is now done.

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Jamie, @jetmex
    This looks like a fun little kit to build...and you have made some very good progress so far. Count me in as watching you build it. It always helps to get as much information on your project as you can, as this will help you make it as accurate as you can (if that is what you really want)...Sometimes ignorance is bliss !

    Stay safe buddy.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Strapped in on this build - bring it on! (and interesting idea with the 1/4 scale one too!)

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Back on the bench...

    When building some kits, you hit a point when the honeymoon ends and I reached that point today. I noticed that the sprue attachments are numerous and also manage to intrude onto mating surfaces. There are also ejection blobs everywhere, especially on very fine parts where they are difficult to remove. I almost cut the tailskid apart trying to clean it up, and did cut an attachment tab off thinking it was a sprue stub. It came to head doing the engine, where every cylinder is attached to the sprue right between the rocker covers. Turned into an hour of cleaning it all up to get everything to fit correctly:

    The rudder and flaperons are separate parts, though why the rudder was molded in two pieces and the flaperons weren't is beyond me. Rudder fit fine, but the flaperons will need some tweaking to get them in correctly. I'll do those after I clean up the seams. Engine looks ok, but I'm happy it will be covered up! Someone with more motivation than I have could do some detailing in the engine compartment, but I think I'd find an aftermarket engine to do that:

    The cowl is in two pieces and unfortunately, you can't assemble it first and slide it over the engine, so I'll have to paint it after it's on the airplane.

    I've nearly knocked the tailskid off more than once, so if anyone else builds this one, leave it off until you're just about done. And the tiny guns are molded into the wings, so be careful of those as well.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Hi Jaime @jetmex!

    Looks like Hobbyboss have gone sprue attachment frenzy! Still, I have noticed quite obvious mold lines at the cylinder blocks, so, why all this overattachment madness?

    Regarding tailskids and "other protrusions" and, having learned my lessons form the past (!), I bravely cut them first off!

    As for the cowling, I cannot understand why (other main brands, too) they don't do them single piece. I would prefer to put their efforts achieving this, than, per example, implementing the sprue attachment madness above.

    Having said all that, your IAR looks terrific and I cannot wait for it to come along!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Jaime, the wall is there sometimes, but with multiple builds in progress it is just to leave it for a week or month or whatever. There clearly are some major challenges with this kit that must be overcome.

    And like Spiros, I shall be looking forward to learn more of this one - thanks for sharing!

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    There's an airplane on the bench!

    Got the engine and cowling mounted without too much drama. The cowl is thicker in the middle than at the ends, which is why it wouldn't fit assembled over the engine. The cowl halves also didn't fit together well, so there is filler in my future. Also got the flaperons installed, those didn't fit well either, but I think they'll be ok under the proverbial coat of paint!

    A little more seam work and she'll be ready for paint...

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    This build is really coming along nicely, Jaime (jetmex), even though there are some challenges along the way. Anything that protrudes on my models usually ends up lost in the carpet, things could be worse. I know some cowlings are tapered and need to be in separate pieces, but some seem needlessly complex. I once build a kit that had the cowling in four pieces.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Hi Jaime @jetmex! This is a nice progress, overcoming all these small unexpected (for a modern mainstream "simple shape" kit) challenges.
    I am eagerly waiting to see this beloved plane painted.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Fill her up! - looking like an IAR-80 by now.

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Finally got a chance to work on the IAR-80 a bit this week. It took several putty sessions to clean up some of the gaps in the cowl and aft fuselage that were leftovers from the massive sprue attachments. Now it's paint time!

    This model represents an early four-gun, short wing IAR-80. These were all in a two tone upper camo of RAF dark green and dark earth that wraps around the fuselage aft of the wing. The undersurface color is up for debate. Radu's book is pretty clear about the upper camo, but no one seems to know for sure exactly what color the undersides were. The two colors that come up most often are RAF sky blue (also known as duck egg blue (bottom jar), or Luftwaffe RLM76 light blue (upper jar):

    The three views I have definitely show a lighter color on the early airplanes, so I'm leaning towards that one (even though the FS numbers don't quite match my reference) since I have that one. The RLM color appeared in later schemes. If anyone has any other inputs, feel free to throw them in.

    The theatre markings on the airplane match Luftwaffe specs for this time period, mid to late 1941. So she gets a yellow cowl, fuselage bands and lower wingtips. I'm horrible at trying to mix paint, so it's very possible the yellow national marking decals won't match!

    And I have to thank my friend Louis once again for the airbrush compressor. It's made my paint jobs much easier. Funny how a little thing like that can change the way you do things for the better!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 5 months ago:

    Hi Jaime @jetmex! Your IAR looks great!
    As for the undersurfaces, after doing your detailed (up to your liking) research, then decide and go!
    We are here to admire the result!