And one more leaves the “Kindergarten”
With progress on the Zvezda Bf 109F-4 at an advanced state it is time to move it
But where will it go? That is for me to know and you to discover
First up, a comparison on the two Zvezdas as they both gets ready to leave the nest
I did add some PE to the F-4, taken from some sheets of Eduard PE that I had in my spare PE box.
A guardplate for the exhaust that looks a lot better (thinner) that the plastic one for the right hand exhausts
The exhausts themselves are not great, but will have to do (Yes, AM resin and even some metal ones are available, the first a bit expensive, the metal ones scarce as Hens’ teeth – and very expensive)
The seatbelts this time was for a Fw190, but as the top end is to be hidden behind the seat, they were simply hidden away
The Revi was modified too as the one in the kit is a Revi 12 and a Revi 6 is needed for this one.
And an overview of the front
Lots of paint and some details still needed
The wings got closed up as well
Not the best fitting I’ve seen, but may be down to the glue etching the plastic combined with thin frames and heavyhandedness on my part.
And with that this one will be leaving too and get its own heading.
next up it will be time to start another pair of builds that are without a proper home, it will be a comparison of two different brands or a simultaneous build of two of the same – nothing decided as of now, so stay tuned