Me109 E-3a "4", Bulgaria, Tamiya, 1/48

Started by Erik Gjørup · 21 · 5 hours ago · 1/48, ausland, Bf109, Bf109E-3a, Bulgaria, Emil, Me109E-3a, Messerschmitt, quarterscale, Tamiya
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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    I always like the 109s with the supports under the stabilizers, Erik (@airbum). The struts take the guessing out of getting things horizontal. Glad to see you back at the bench.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Nice repair on the strut, Erik @airbum
    Glad to see that, despite your lack of time, you were still able to progress a bit on this one.

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    Erik Gjørup said 13 hours, 34 minutes ago:

    Turned out the repair was no good @fiveten and @johnb. @gblair, unfortunately the struts on these tend to be a bit short, but can be installed with caution (and a gap)


    I open up some vents

    The radiators were opened up to look more like the real stuff – the Emil’s often had them open while parked.

    and the small flap on the oilcooler also got opened up.

    The troublesome strut had to be re-visited

    and a cocktailstick taped on for strength while the glue set.

    And so it is back in the box for a while while some of the other 109’s get some TLC

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    George R Blair Jr said 12 hours, 18 minutes ago:

    Sorry the repair on the strut didn't work out, Erik (@airbum). The original break created a weak spot and there isn't a lot of surface area for the glue to hold. The problem with the struts under the tail is that they are in a place that gets bumped and grabbed, so it is easy to re-injure the mended part. If it keeps breaking, it might be easier to leave each end attached to the plane, cut away the middle, and replace it. Good luck.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 8 hours, 42 minutes ago:

    Nice opening up of those vents, my friend @airbum!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 5 hours, 59 minutes ago:

    Those vents look much better this way, Erik @airbum
    Nice trick on supporting the strut.