Turned out the repair was no good @fiveten and @johnb. @gblair, unfortunately the struts on these tend to be a bit short, but can be installed with caution (and a gap)
I open up some vents
The radiators were opened up to look more like the real stuff – the Emil’s often had them open while parked.

1. unmodified
2. modified

1. hot air out
2. Many Emil's were without the "flow-director" included in the kit

1. No flow-director in the middle
and the small flap on the oilcooler also got opened up.
The troublesome strut had to be re-visited

1. Supporting the support
and a cocktailstick taped on for strength while the glue set.
And so it is back in the box for a while while some of the other 109’s get some TLC