@fiveten, @gblair, @holzhamer, @johnb @adrianstarling, @tom-bebout, @klavs1972, @jimh and @mvtb, after a long wait, work continues on the Eduard P-51.
As this has to be kept under wraps here at home some unreported progress has been made
I did paint the fuselage with some new-to-me AK aluminum paint, and I have to say it was a rather positive experience. Sadly I did not get to take any pictures of it before masking for the ident stripes.
Once again the circlecutter came out as I needed to make a mask that fitted the star’n bar.
1. sorry about the lack of pictures of the silver paint, but I had to get it masked and hidden again before my girlfriend woke up (I started working on it started at 5 in the morning)
after a few test-runs I decided on a straight line and a circle on top. This is to make the small bare metal gap between the decal and the painted stripes.
With the masks on I have to find time to get it painted without she-that-must-be-obeyed will notice it.
1. forgot to mask for black stripes here. Will be done later.
The reason for the secrecy in-house is that it is for her upcoming birthday, and as mentioned earlier in the build, it will be marked as the P-51 she flew in her younger days. (in a simulator that is)
next up masks will be comin’ off and the details will be added – tune in to check if I am able to get pictures taken before the big day!