Tamiya 1/72 De Haviland Mosquito - Guy Gibson and Jim Warwick

Started by John vd Biggelaar · 78 · 2 days ago
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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Started preparations for the primer. Canopy masked.

    Wheels and propellers painted black.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Moving right along, John (@johnb). It looks like you plan to mask for the canopy frames after the primer. Don't forget to mask the nose glass and side windows. :o)

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Excellent preparation so far, my friend @johnb! Wheels and props look also very nice!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    @gblair, thank you, George. My plan is to paint the frames by hand after all paintwork is done. Masking the nose is my first priority 😉
    @fiveten, thanks a lot, Spiros.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Nose cone and side windows masked as well, ready to get some primer on.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Masking looks great, my friend @johnb! Looking forward to the painting!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks ago:

    @fiveten, thank you, Spiros

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 week, 6 days ago:

    Wheel bays filled with sponge pieces and the transparent parts covered with liquid masks.

    The first round of primer applied, as usual this reveals some imperfections which definitely need some attention.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    Excellent so far, my friend @johnb! Great use of primer, enabling you to fix minor bugs not seen before.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    @fiveten, thanks a lot, Spiros

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    Erik Gjørup said 1 week, 2 days ago:

    Steady hand? I would not dare handpainting - but perhaps I have to one day. Great progress john.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 week, 2 days ago:

    Looking forward to the painting, John (@johnb). That upper seam is always the one that opens up for me. Easy to fix, just another round of glue, fill, sand, and check.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 week, 2 days ago:

    @airbum, thank you, Erik. I'm going to try, if not successful I can still use masks.
    @gblair, thanks, George. Correct, a bit of filling, sanding and all should be ready for the paint.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 days, 23 hours ago:

    Cleaned the seam seen on the fuselage joint, should look fine after another round of primer.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 days, 19 hours ago:

    That should fix the problem, John (@johnb). I can hear the airbrush and camo calling... :o)