Yak-9T by ICM, 1/32, 2022 new tool

Started by Dmitry Stropalov · 37 · 2 years ago
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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Looking great, my friend @starfar!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Very nice paintwork, Dmitry @starfar
    The marbling fading effect is very nice.

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Thank you, mates for your comments!

    @holzhamer I was using old AKAN (AFAIK it was manufactured by DuPont) lacquers, bought around 10 years ago.

    @tcinla I was trying a different clear glue, but I didn't manage to do it without exposing excesses of the glue around the framing.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Paint looks great, Dmitry @starfar. Sorry about the problem attaching the clear plastic. I have never built a kit where I had to attach something like that.

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Thanks, George! That's first time I see this as well šŸ™‚

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 2 years ago:

    Gloss coating and decals are done. Decals are very thin, which is good for the final look, but I was having constant issues during application. Also, I don't recommend to use "Set" liquids, because it immediately makes decals soft and stretchy. I was using only water ā€“ that's enough.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years ago:

    Decals look nice on, my friend @starfar!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years ago:

    The decals went on very nicely, Dmitry @starfar

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 years ago:

    Decals look great, Dmitry (@starfar). I have also found that I have better luck starting with water, get everything in place and partially dry, then add some decal setting solution.

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 2 years ago:

    Thank you, friends!

    Oil wash part went really quick, maybe because there are not much panel lines. Anyway, satin coat has been applied, and oil weathering/toning is ahead.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years ago:

    Nice washes, Dmitry @starfar
    Looking forward to the weathering and toning.

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    Steve Oakson said 2 years ago:

    Looks very nice to this point. Iā€™m in the process of building this kit also. Your trials and tribulations with the windscreen armor glass are informative. As Tom said earlier, MicroClear is probably the way I will approach. Will use very minimal amount and spread it thinly over the surfaces to be joined. It is easy to remove if you get too much in there or accidentally smear it.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years ago:

    Looks amazing, my friend @starfar!

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 2 years ago:

    Thank you everybody for the comments! Really appreciated, and helps keep this build running. Funny update regarding the windscreen armour. When I was trying to somehow check the fit today, my tweezers did the famous sound and the windscreen disappeared somewhere in the cockpit. I was trying to shake the model to get it out, but without any luck. So, no windscreen armour šŸ˜€

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years ago:

    A real pity, Dmitry @starfar
    Hopyfully the piece is just taking a rest and will show up some time later.