Monogram 1931 Rolls-Royce Phaeton 1/24

Started by Adolfo Coelho · 17 · 5 years ago
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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:


    I started this topic here:

    1931 Rolls-Royce Monogram 1/24
    But as this is a Work in Progress, I believe this Group is the right place for posting updates as the building goes. I did some changes to the colors of parts of the engine (as shown on the pics uploaded to the Article linked above). The engine itself was initially painted some decades ago. For instance, after watching some pics of the engine available online, I came to the conclusion that the head of the engine was not silverish, as I had done it, but instead Gloss Black, so I changed that detail (unfortunatelly I couldn't fix the entire engine, as I no longer could reach the bottom parts!) . Also painted that 3 tubes part (no idea how it's called!) that connects to the engine, on the right side of the car, Chrome, but kept the other similar 4 tubes "thing" on the left side of the engine silverish-gray (again, based on pics I've seen online) . Cheers! Dolf
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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Most of the kit (as for all my kits, with just a couple of exceptions) is being painted with paint brushes, but for a couple of larger parts here I've used that Humbrol kind of airbrush I had (something happened when I was finishing using it, and it's now officially dead... So will have to start looking for a real airbrush now, as I have other larger scale kits still to be build in the future for which I'll have to use an airbrush) .

    For instance I used that kind of airbrush for both these parts, one in Humbrol enamel Gloss Black, and the other in Humbrol enamel Gloss Crimson:



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    I'm splitting this in a few posts because earlier today I wrote a longer post, which took me much longer, and when I did hit the "Post Reply" button, I was told I was no longer connected... So lost it all... Hence now trying to avoid that bad feeling again 😉

    Anyway, then I assembled the interior of the car (floor and inside doors, etc, all painted with Humbrol enamel Satin Brown), which includes the seats, the ínstrument panel, the two levers (guess one is the gear stick and the other the hand brake), the 3 pedals, together.



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Yesterday finally assembled together the interior and the main body of the model, including the car trunk (painted with Humbrol enamel Khaki Drill, with two coats of Humbrol Satin Varnish and on top of that one coat of Gloss Varnish), the wheel:

    And just before going to bed, I glued together (using Loctite super glue) what had already been assembled to the Gloss Black part of the car, so it would fully dry during the night:



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Finally, today assembled together the previous parts with the chassis and the engine parts:

    Still think I did something wrong assembling the rear wheels, as they seem too high/elevated, if compared with the front ones... And it also looks like they seem a bit too far away, if compared with the position of the front ones! But as usual I just followed the instructions...

    The final building will take maybe a bit of time, as I noticed that I lost at least 3 pieces for this model... Two of them, as I do have them in doubles, I'll be able to cast them using that Blue Stuff, and some appropriate putty (I've tried with the Humbrol Putty I recently bought, but it doesn't work with that one, so I'll have to order either some Milliput or some other), but one of them, being a unique single piece... it's gona be hard to duplicate, or create some replacement part!



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    For some weird reason I cannot Edit the 1st post here! When I click on Edit, that strangely reads "Edit Topic" (not followed by the "Delete" option!), instead of just "Edit", followed by "Delete", as in all other posts, it opens one of the pics I posted, instead of re-opening the post in a way I can edit it!...
    Really weird!...

    Anyway, the reason I wanted to edit the 1st post here is that where I wrote "... kept the other similar 4 tubes "thing" on the left side of the engine...", I should correct it and write "6 tubes", because there are actually 6 tubes connecting to the head of the engine, not 4, as I previously mentioned.



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    Craig Abrahamson said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Those 'old' Monogram kits continue to "stand the test of time" IMO - looks like it's coming along nicely (although I DID notice that the rear axle/wheels DO look a little wide for some reason - I'm sure you'll figure it out, though). 🙂

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Thanks Graig @craigindaytona

    Will see, once the building is over, if there's a way to fix that rear axle issue, and how. Maybe I'll just let it stay as it is, as I don't see much I could do, apart from a "deep surgical fix" that would involve breaking the whole rear axle thing and restart, but having to scratch-build what I'd have to break apart...

    Hey, anyone being able to afford a R-R... can do whatever he/she wants, including some weird modification on the rear axle wheels 😉



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Some progress made.

    The chromed parts (can't remember the name) where the people would step in and out of the vehicle, the engine cover (which is not fixed and can be removed at will), and a few other minor things.
    Didn't glue the front glass yet (nor any other glass windows/parts), as I'm waiting for some wood white glue to arrive.



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Just a quick update to this thread.

    As it can be seen on the pics below, the axle/rear wheels problem has been fixed.

    Now the rear wheels are aligned with the front wheels.

    Time now to move a liitle bit forward with this building, will post more pics as I get some progress done.



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Just another quick update.

    Almost finished the front, the front bumber is in place, lights are on, and the spare tires are now in place too, as well as the windscreen (or windshield for our American members).

    Some tiny little pieces to be fixed on this final phase...

    Still missing a couple of parts on the front, as the rear-view mirrors and a couple others.

    Then there's the rear bumper and some other tiny little parts on the rear, and it will be done.

    A couple of pics taken minutes ago, indoors and with artificial light, tomorrow as I advance a little further I should have new pics taken outside on daylight.



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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Really looking good Dolf. Liking what I am seeing.

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Thank you James (@jamesb) !

    Not perfect, could/should be much better, but without an airbrush, a few pieces missing, and a lack of proper tools & paints, and on top of that a decades long absence from the hobby, hence a real lack of practice, and the hands, and especially the eyes no longer being what they used to be... I suppose that overall it's not that bad after all...



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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    Dolf, given the parameters you had of hand painting, lack of modeling experience, and the limitations of tools, this is outstanding work. Are you posting this on ‘Headlines’? It deserves a place in the spotlight!

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    David (@dirtylittlefokker)

    Thank you!

    I did use a "spray gun" (believe it's the name in English, for those kind of airbrushes like that old Humbrol one) for painting the major parts of the body of the car (mainly those larger parts in Crimson and Gloss Black), but then my Humbrol thing broke and is now... dead!
    Will have to buy a real airbrush, when I'll be able to afford one. I'll need one for my long time project, my Bf 109-E in 1/32 scale.

    "Are you posting this on ‘Headlines’?"

    You mean in an Article?

    Yes, when it's finished, which is not yet.

