The CH-47 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with CH-47
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 1 month ago

Academy 1/144 CH-47 RAF

After the challenges presented by my previous Classic Airframes P6E Hawk and ICM Ghost of Kyiv projects this project was a nice pallet cleanser. I saw a great build of this kit at a recent show that inspired me to do my own. This kit is [...]

CH-47D Tribute build

Hello iModeler! Here are a few pics of a 1/48 scale Italeri Chinook I recently built for a friend, who is a veteran and former Chinook Flight Engineer. I used Werner's Wings decals for the serial number of his aircraft, did a lot of [...]

CH-47D Chinook

Eventually got the Chinook finished! Thanks very much to everyone who followed the work in progress. This is the 1/35 Trumpeter kit, and is a fair size! It was a Christmas present from Claire, not the last one, the one before, so it's been [...]