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Richard Mcstay
61 articles

CH-47D Chinook

April 9, 2016 · in Aviation · · 30 · 4.3K

Eventually got the finished! Thanks very much to everyone who followed the work in progress.

This is the kit, and is a fair size! It was a Christmas present from Claire, not the last one, the one before, so it's been on the bench for quite a while now. I've included a Tamiya paint pot in the last photo so you can get an idea of the size of it.

I added some Live Resin weaponry typically found on the MH-47. I had looked into doing a full conversion to the MH-47, but the resin conversion kit looked like it was going to be serious hard work, and very expensive as well, almost the price of the original trumpeter kit!

It wasn't the easiest kit to fit together but I got there in the end. It was hard to take photos of the interior on the Iphone with the contrast in lighting and the focus, but there are lots more photos of the interior build stages over in the aircraft work in progress group.

Thanks again for all the positive comments during the work in progress, and thanks for looking. Cheers!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. Outstanding job, sir...your weathering and detail are stunning!

  2. Richard this is a great looking Chinook! I have to agree with Craig on your weathering and detailing. An all round amazing job on a massive kit. Well done.

  3. Like many others I've been following your progress on this build, Richard, and the end result is fantastic; great attention to detail, good choice of after market goodies and the finish is very convincing, having lived in the flight path of these monsters as they flew in and out of RAF Odiham for many years (my ears are still recovering!) I can vouch for their appearance.

    • Cheers George! It definitely kept me out of mischief doing the interior.
      They used to do low flying exercises over lake Windermere when I lived there, they make a fair bit of racket!

  4. Richard, you made the Hook look great! Well done! Love the interior and the weathering. Everything comes together well for a marvelous result.

  5. Wow! excellent work, amazing detail.

  6. Beautiful work, Richard. Well done.

  7. Lovely job Richard.
    I see these birds nearly every day flying to and fro Odiham.
    She is a fair sized beast mate.
    What`s next?

    • Thank you Simon, I seen one last week driving up the A1 near York, you can spot them a mile off, and hear them!
      Next is going to be the SU-47, but a ' what if ' version!

  8. Great and big model! Well done.

  9. Outstanding job on this one! I only wish I wpould have picked up on this during the build, as I have several pictures of these beasts as they were leaving for missions in Afghanistan. My son flew in these on combat missions moving around in country.

    You did an outstanding job on her, congratulations!

  10. Good things come to those that wait. It looks great, super paint and weathering. The interior is a super job!

  11. Great results, Richard!

  12. Just beautiful build - painting and weathering are impeccable!
    Looks like you had a bit of silvering issue with the decals. Were they the kit decals, as I've had some issues with my first Trumpeter build on the decals?

    • Cheers Greg, thank you very much.
      Yes, they were hard work. They were really flimsy as well, and once they were down on the model you couldn't slide them to position them correctly, even though I glossed the surface over.
      You live and learn though! I've got a couple more Trumpeter kits in the stash, I'll get some aftermarket decals for them I think.

  13. Excellent effort on this "monster", Richard. The weathering is perfect as the whole paint job and presentation.
    I am really looking forward to see the next present from Claire 🙂

    • Thanks mate, appreciate it!
      My present this year was an actual tank, or a days driving experience in one anyway! I haven't done it yet, just waiting to fit it around work.

  14. Looks fantastic, congrats!

  15. Richard, looks the business, it does. Where are you going to store this? It looks BIG to me. Fine work inside and out. Good to see her finished.

    • Thanks Bernard. Much appreciated! I'm getting display cases made by a company called Striking Displays. There is a pic of my first one they have built over on the work in progress I'm currently doing on the FXX. I'm going to mount them on the wall once I get moved into my new house.

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