The Jindivik Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Jindivik
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 7 years, 8 months ago

GAF Jindivik Mk 203B

Another Jindivik? Yep. This one was photographed at the South Australian Aviation Museum in Port Adelaide, a short ride by train from Adelaide city centre. From a distance they look much the same but once you are up close you will find a [...]

Jindivik towed target

The Jindivik drone could be fitted with a number of pods, wing extensions, flares and towed targets. The photos are showing the target that is displayed with the JIndivik at the Classic Jets Fighter Museum at Parafield, South Australia. [...]

GAF Jindivik Mk 303A

And now to something completely different...a drone! In 1948 development begun in Australia to find a suitable unmanned aircraft for missile test purposes. In 1950 a manned prototype called Pika was flown for the first time and the [...]