The Kriegsmarine Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Kriegsmarine
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 1 month ago

Scharnhorst, 1943, Part 2 Dragon Smart Kit,

Dragon's 1943 1/350 KMS Scharnhorst continues to be a real pleasure to work on. I am well into the build now and things are beginning to come together. this submission features a mid build photo shoot so the painting is rough in places [...]

Oldie but Goldie: Tamiya 1/350 Bismarck

Here are some photos of my first ship built after >30 years: the classical Tamiya Bismarck. The only upgrades added to the kit were the decking and some generic DKM railing. Other departures from the kit were home made [...]

1/350 DKM U-505 was Captured

Nothing was done in four weeks. It's too hot to work. I made a small diorama that I could easily make for practice before starting my next project. I was impressed by the picture of the captured u-505. I made it into a small diorama now, [...]