The M109 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with M109
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 8 months ago

M109A7 Paladin SPH (1/72)

M109A7 Paladin Self- Propelled Howitzer (Foeart No. 2002) I like the design of the new generation M109 howitzer, so I chose this kit for a "quick project". For the painting, I allowed myself some freedom and chose a somewhat [...]

M109A2 and M548A1,Desert Storm, Roco Minitanks HO.

Done up to represent vehicles used in Desert Storm Rocos M109 155mm SPF and a M548 support vehicle. The diesel engine and flat car represents Army reserve railway units that staged army equipment at ports for shipment overseas.

M-109 S.P. Howitzer,1/48.

Another attempt at armor, this I've had around I don't know for how long. It's Aurora's last issue[1976] of the M109, where they added the long gun option, I added rudimentary recoil spades in the rear, the kit provided one massive unit [...]