The Marcel Bloch Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Marcel Bloch
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 7 months ago

Review: Dora Wings 1/48 Marcel Bloch MB.155.C-1

History: The Bloch MB.155.C1 was the last of the MB.150 series of fighters to enter production and see operational service. Arriving in squadrons in the final weeks before the Armistice in June 1940, only some ten were completed before the [...]

Dora Wings 1/48 MB-155

The MB-155 was the last development of the Marcel Bloch 150 series to see service. This is in the markings of GC I/1 Cne Germain Coutaud, who scored 8 victories in 1940 in the MB-152 and 155, making him one of the few Bloch aces (perhaps [...]

Review: Dora Wings 1/48 Marcel Bloch MB 152.C1 (late production)

History: The Service Technique Aéronautique (Aeronautical Technical Service) of the French Air Force issued the "C1 design" requirement for a new and completely modern single-seat interceptor fighter on July 13, 1934. The C1 [...]