16 articles
the kit was beautiful with plenty of amazing details, but except seats, dashboard and racks, the interior lacks any details. These i completely scratch builded from plastic pieces and "wired" together with led and copper wires. I [...]
The menacing looking paper panzer really caught my eye. Model Collect covers a lot of unique subjects and this is no exception. Basically its a good little kit, but the road wheel, suspension and track assemblies are very fiddly. Not [...]
Hi Mates,
I could not miss this commonplace title but this "little" kit just arrived from the manufacturer. I made a pre order (in 2016) practically when they just formed as a future manufacturer and annunced their plan to make a [...]
Hello colleagues,
At the same time with the T-90MS, I built the T-80B from the same manufacturer. I did not use any additions to the construction.
Washer is a Tamiya stained gypsum casting and Abteilung oil paint
Hello colleagues,
I tried to build a small technique. Modelcollect kits are great and I enjoyed the construction. I did not use any additions to the construction. The spraying is done as a freehand without the use of a masking tape.
Washer [...]