The Vertol Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Vertol
  • 3 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 4 months ago

Boeing Vertol CH 47C Chinook, A15-007, 12 Sqn RAAF, Amberley Qld, 1975.

1/72 Italeri, built sometime before 2016, I modified the engine intakes, the cabin ceiling and antennae posts and in 2021 I narrowed the rotor blades.

Vertol H-21CRevell 1/72

This is the H-21C from Revell in 1/72. Nice kit, with some corrections to be made. As was impossible for me to find the discontinued Eduard FE sets (interior and exterior), opted to make some scratch, mostly on the cockpit and some [...]

Vertol H 21B, CR Sqn RCAF 1956.

1/72 Revell, with some modifications, not all visible, nose gear and decals from the Hobbycraft kit, finished in Humbrol, Revell and MM enamels and I think Future overall, flown by Communications and Rescue Sqn RCAF from 1954.