The Yom Kippur Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Yom Kippur
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years, 10 months ago

Yom Kippur War...1/48 Ilyushin Il-28 "Beagle", Egyptian Airforce

Another big beast is done. The new Il-28 from Bobcat Models (former Xuntong) with markings from Hi-Decal. The kit is basically ok. The clear parts could be a bit clearer. Fuselage fit is good, but engine nacelles, nacelles to wings and [...]

Yom Kippur War…1/48 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21F-13, “Black Ravens” Egyptian Airforce

Like the Iraqi Su-7 this was built in 2016 too. Trumpeter kit with Aztec decals, initially wanted to use the Pavla SK-1 seat but it didn´t fit well (was also too short) so my dad used the kit seat, only stole the seatbelts from an Eduard [...]

Yom Kippur War...1/48 Douglas A-4E Ayit, Israeli Airforce

Back in 2016/17 my father built a fully loaded Israeli hotrod too as adversary for the Iraqi Su-7. Like with the Fitter, also took some new pics to pay tribute to my dad´s model. Hasegawa kit (VA-55 A-4E/F), decal sheets for Ayits are no [...]

Yom Kippur War…1/48 Sukhoi Su-7BMK Fitter, Iraqi Airforce

After the refreshed Latin American subjects from 2016, now on to a few from the Middle East. Kopro kit, Wolfpack Design ejection seat (had to cut away several mm of it´s bottom because it is too tall), IFF antennas with plastic rods, [...]