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Martin B-10

April 11, 2013 · in Aviation · · 7 · 3.4K

Thought I'd make post before leaving for the IPMS Region IV Regionals at Dayton, Oh tomorrow.

The was the US Army Air Force's first all steel monoplane bomber and went into service in 1934.

This is the Williams Brothers kit. Box stock except where required to make it more presentable. I built this in the days before pre-cut canopy masks so I took a different approach. The canopy ribbing is pre-painted decals. Came out better than expected.

It is finished in Aeromaster paint.

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7 responses

  1. Nice-lookin' build, Al...ya don't see them every day. "Pre-painted deals" - you mean you sprayed some clear decal film the same blue and then cut 'em all out? In any case, they look great. Good job on a somewhat difficult kit. Good luck at the Regionals.

  2. Yes, pre-ptd clear decals with the same the paint as the fuselage & overlaid.
    I'm just visiting the show. I'm afraid my competitive days are over.

  3. What a coincidence I was out looking through my stash last night and looking at an original boxing my wife found at an antique store of all places and picked up for me. Directions all yellow, but the decals are surprisingly still very clear, I had tentativley move dit up in line behind my Phantom now seeing yours makes me feel even more like building it. Getting an old Williams Brothers kit to look that good is not mean feat! Nice job man nice job!

  4. In my personal opinion, the B-10 in that blue and yellow paint scheme is just drop dead gorgeous. Good luck in Dayton -- perhaps we could have some photos from it here?

  5. Very nice Al! I've always wanted to build one of those.

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