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Hasegawa 1/48 : mitshubishi A6M5 /52, ZERO. ” Saipan Island” June 1944.,

January 3, 2014 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.7K

Made out of the box with Eduard belts, painted with WEM colocoats.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Nice job there, not too weathered. Some great chipping done.
    Wel done sir.

  2. Clean build of a great aircraft, and the subdued finishes provide a more natural look.

    Too often we see A6M schemes with too high a percentage of the paint blown back to airframe aluminium, which I think is less representative of theatre aircraft than it is of a box-of-tricks modelling exercise.

  3. Looks great! As others have said, the weathering and chipping are nicely done. Looking at your other articles it seems that you moved to a larger scale.

  4. very nice! i agree, the weathering looks great!

  5. nice to look at

  6. Makete,
    Nothing needs to ever be changed on this. You did an outstanding job. I really like everything about what you have done here, Makes me want to put one of these on my list of things to do,

  7. Nice clean build, paint finish has a subdued prototypical appearence, spot on!

  8. Excellent. As others have also said, I really like the weathering. In my experience, aircraft outer extremities tend to stay very clean, whilst engine areas can get very dirtied up. Personally, I avoid too much panel outlining/shading as to me it is a sort "over-realism" or "computer generated" look. As I said, I've never seen that on real aircraft? So your weathering I like...a lot!

  9. Outstanding talent and craftsmanship. Very realistic.

  10. Beautiful, subtle finish. Well done.

  11. Very nice finish on this, and it's interesting to see the comparison in size with the paint tins.

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