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Rob Pollock
195 articles

UPDATE: European Tram – “For Jews Only” – Warsaw Ghetto, 1940

May 22, 2014 · in Diorama · · 7 · 2.6K

About a month ago, I posted the Headlines article together with a link to the subject's WIP thread. In the narrative, I mentioned that I intended in due course to complete the diorama with additional figures, pending their (backorder) arrival from Spain.

I'm please to report all are now to hand, in place, and I thought I'd share these updated, final photos of the project.

To note, after the figures were in place, and photographed, I realised I'd forgotten to add the 'Star of David' armbands/patches that Jews over the age of twelve were required to wear. I've now corrected this oversight. No further photos; I'm sure you get the idea.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. That is just sweet Rob, the addition of those figures gives the build an ambiance.
    Looks good mate.

  2. The figures seem to tie all the features together and "finish" up the story. Very clever diorama.

  3. Very nicely done, Rob...I especially like the realistic weathering on the trolley car.

  4. Thanks for the update Rob. The trolley looked nice on its own, but the figures do add the story. Complete with snivelling little Hitler Youth on the watch.

  5. Simple diorama that really drives home the story.
    Well done & presented Rob.

  6. the figures really make it

  7. Those extra figures really complete the story you are telling.

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