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Thomas Probert
59 articles

Revell 1/144th Boeing 747-400 ‘Virgin Atlantic’

September 1, 2014 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.4K

This model was completed a couple of months back and was built out of the box, more or less. The only thing I did work on was the nose profile, which was improved with Milliput by building the area above the cockpit windows up slightly.

Decals came from TwoSix; all paints were automotive acrylics. The final picture shows the alongside Virgin's other quad, the A340-600 which was made using the Braz conversion and the A340-300 kit.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. GREAT WORK! Just have to love the Virgin Atlantic scheme! A Pretty Woman indeed!

  2. Looks great Tom. I like the use of NMF`s.
    Another superb build.

  3. Beautifully finished and photographed...quality work!

  4. really pretty. That's a beautiful finish there. Great work!

  5. hummmm ! nice pics of this beautiful job ! very good paint.

  6. How was the Braz conversion of the A340 - I have heard that it is 'problematic'?

    • The Braz conversion does get a bad press, but I have done two conversions now (the Virgin one pictured as well as a Thai Airways example) and both were relatively trouble free. I also have a -500 in the stash, too.

      Don't expect a perfect fit between the resin centre section and Revell fuselage parts, but they're perfectly do-able. I'll try to take some pictures of the A340s at some point soon so you can see them in more detail.

  7. Very impressive model, Thomas.

  8. Tom,
    Outstanding work you did on this. We flew out of SFO in a Virgin 747. Went to England and had a great ride and a great time.

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