Challenger I, Mickey Thompson’s Bonneville beauty
Every year the F.A.S.T. club in Ocala Florida, an IPMS Chapter for car modelers, has a theme build, and this year it was anything that runs at Bonneville. This is to be my entry. It did not start out to be a two car build, but things ran amuck as they sometimes do, and in the end I found myself with two cars instead of one.
Sometimes my projects can start off badly, and this was the case with the Revell Challenger I kit. There came a point where I decided I couldn't save it, so I bought another kit and I started over, something I hate to do.
You know when you get a bright idea that you do not completely think through? That is what happened when I thought; I have two kits and it might it be cool to do two versions. One would be closed up and one would feature some clear parts so you could see the details. I really thought this was a great idea at the time.
I was sure I had solved the clear parts problem by going to a commercial vacuum company to pull those parts, but unfortunately that did not work out. I suppose I could have used the smash method, but instead I decided to get that new vacuum machine that recently became available, and this was as good an excuse as any to spend the money.
The new machine was better than the old Mattel but it was still a close fit and required some creative solutions to make it work. I sure used a lot more plastic sheets than I intended, learning to use the new machine by the trial and error method. Nonetheless, I managed to get some usable parts and the project was on track once more.
The second attempt to get the four Pontiac blown engines squeezed into the available space went much better than the first, and once I figured out the exhaust system, the project made good progress. Thank goodness for Google which provided the reference material I badly needed for this build. There sure are a lot of hoses and wiring on this car.
The closed version was right out of the box and went together with the usual issues found in an older kit. This version was painted Nassau Metallic Blue and was completed first. I had decided to leave the detailed version in natural metal finish with some Mike Grant decal rivets for visual interest. I wouldn't say this was a fun build but it sure was a challenge.
I hope you like it.
Just now saw your two models of "Mickey's Ride." As always, great work and with a new vacuform machine to boot!
Holy Moley, Jack! What a build! Totally love this one. One thing though - what scale?
The box says 1:25th scale
VERY nicely done, Jack...those should catch the judge's eye for sure! Your photography is top-notch as well.
Thanks Craig
your amazing jack...great job
You just got my vote for models of the month, Jack. Absolutely beautiful work!
Those look incredible, Jack, especially the one with the rivets
Very, very nice work.
Looks great !
Stunning, absolutely stunning.his is a masterful work of model building. You have indeed captured this ride.
Fantastic ! Great job all around .
A fantastic looking speedster! Well done Jack!
Atta boy, Jack. All those lessons are paying off !
Outstanding Jack. If ever a car is going to win "Model of the Month" it will be this one.
Great work Jack.
Wonderful builds.
Stunning work, Jack. Perseverance exemplified.
Jack, That is fantastic work-Beautifull models!
Holy cow, THAT'S a lot of work for a "car" model. It's not only well done but creative, the vacuform parts are a fantastic touch! Gotta love all those rivets...
Very nice - caught my attention and I'm not a car guy! Love all the detail in the see-through build.
Wooooo - I like them!
Jack, these are simply great. I have a special attraction to this model, having built it a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. I really like what you've done with both of these. Good work.
Whoa Jack! Two Challengers! I am thoroughly impressed sir, they both look great. I have one in the stash, what an inspiration for me!
Seeing them both together reminds me of Mark Twain's quote, "In a museum in Havana, there are two skulls of Christopher Columbus, one as a boy, and one when an old man."
Awesome Jack, great detail to show off, and the fact there's two of them is even more impressive!