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Allan J Withers
208 articles

Douglas C 47 B Dakota, A65-78, ARDU RAAF Edinburgh SA 1979.

May 13, 2016 · in Aviation · · 30 · 2.8K

1/72 , my first C 47, with Eduard photo etch, finished in Model Master enamels with Roo decals and Future, used by Aircraft Research and Development Unit to check navigation equipment at air bases.

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10  Awesome

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30 responses

  1. Sharp-lookin' build, Allan...nicely finished and photographed. I like it.

  2. Allan, lovely Dak, unusual markings for us Yanks, and welcome. So many markings, so little time, says I. Money for plastic, as well.
    Where can I get Roo Decals?

    • Thanks Bernard, I just did a quick search and it would seem we can no longer get Roo decals unless you'r lucky and find some old stock, I will keep looking.

      • Allan, just my luck!
        I have one of their earlier sheets, the one with all the roundels and titles on it. Think it was the first one they did. I stumbled on it at a show, 'cause we don't see sheets like that all that often.
        Like a lot of my collection, I wonder if it will still work?
        Thanks for looking.

  3. Hello Allan,
    I started with your build this morning.
    Really enjoyed the colorful machine.

  4. Very neat work (again) Allan, now, get those bikes posted here so that others can enjoy them as well!

  5. Profile Photo
    said on May 14, 2016

    Great finish Alan. I've been tempted to grab the Red Roo conversion for the ANARE aircraft. The NMF, silver white and dayglo orange really set it off. You've done a great job on yours.

    Cheers, Mick

  6. Alan, Very eye catching scheme, and very well done. This is a beautiful model. "I like it" !

  7. A great looking Gooney bird.

  8. What a great looking model!

  9. another great looking model Alan, and very colorful - love the colorful ones!

  10. Profile Photo
    P.k said on May 16, 2016

    Colorfull C-47 Nice !

  11. Nice work Allan, love the detail in it!

  12. Hi Alan @kalamazoo! Just came across your Dakota build and had a look at it.
    What a great job!
    Future seemed to give that nice shine.
    I have to say I love Australian birds.
    All the best!

  13. Great looking Dakota. Can't go wrong with dayglow.

    Have a softback called DC-3 Down Under by Stewart Wilson, great inspiration for those interested in Aussie DC-3 and C-47.

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