HP Victor, 139 Squadron, 1964, underway!

Started by John Healy · 40 · 5 years ago
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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    Great looking kit of an awesome aircraft, John. It looks like those trusses for the wing are meant to hold some heavy wings!

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    They are. The model goes together well and even withstood being dropped (had to rework the nose gear, but all successful.

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    John Healy said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Some more progress on the Victor. I’ve had some decent modeling time this week and have been able to work on this and a couple of other projects. The large recessed belly panel that cradles the Blue Steel missle is a tad short as you can see. Some sheet plastic fixed that.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Fixed that at the other end. Couple pieces of Evergreen strip.

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    Paul Barber said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Hi John, just finding time after a bit of time out from iModeler, and to come back to this is wonderful - what a cracker. There was some talk about the size of this kit before the start of the GB, but only now can I really see it for what it is. Fantastic! As a mechanic friend of mine says much of the time, bigger is usually better! That aside of course, it is a great tutorial for putting this kit together. Thank you - I'm so much looking forward to seeing this one come together!

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    John Healy said 6 years ago:

    Finally it’s starting to look like a Victor. The engineering on this kit is really something. The white strips under the intakes are just Evergreen strips I added to give the splitter plates something to hold onto. I found a fair chunk of time to work on this along with a couple other projects this week.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years ago:

    It's a great kit. I love that I discovered that one Victor on the Xtradecal sheet was one of the first six Victor's that were repainted with camouflage - which was done freeform, no masking. So that makes it a lot easier to airbrush!

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    Paul Barber said 6 years ago:

    Fantastic, John - it just gets better (and bigger!) with every update. As you say, the Victor is emerging now - absolutely top notch!

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    Allan J Withers said 6 years ago:

    Coming along nicely John, looking good !

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    John Healy said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    The Whitley Mk.VII is finished, photographed, and sitting on the shelf next to its Mk.V brother. That means it’s time to finish the Victor! I finished installing the photo etch on the airbrakes today. I use PE sparingly but think the Eduard set adds a lot to the Victor’s prominent airbrakes. It’s time to start masking.

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    That's looking really good, John. Looking forward to the result.

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    Jeff Bailey said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    REALLY nicely done so far, John. This is such a cool and interesting aircraft.

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    Paul Barber said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    That 'etch' does make a difference, John. I usually only use it in cockpits but this is a cool choice!

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    John Healy said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Now I’ve installed the clear parts, the refueling probe, the exhaust fairings and the famous “Koschmann’s Carrots”. The carrots are the large fairings on the trailing edge of the wings which were devised by an RAF engineer to improve the plane’s aerodynamics at high speed. Even today, this is such a futuristic looking aircraft. I hit it with some primer to check the seams and discovered a few issues which I’ll address tommorow. I’ve also started work on the landing gear and Blue Steel missle. Getting close to paint time.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Nice to see you prove "there's more than one way to skin a cat" John (not that any of you should skin any cats unless you want to meet "the men in black," dispatched by ME. 🙂 )