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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/72 Airfix PR XIX

November 22, 2012 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.3K

Here is my PR XIX. Like Magnus Fridsell, I am a big fan of the and an even bigger fan of the Spit in 1/72. I will post more of them if you would like, but they are all on the Spitfre site. This one was built with Quickboost exhausts and prop and Xtradecal markings. It was painted in Model master PRU blue. You can not beat these new Airfix kits for the price.

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4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. nice!
    Can't wait to be able to get it in 1/48!

  2. Nice clean build, Geoff...what did you use for the background on your pics? I can't identify that material with what appears to have some 'texture' to it.

  3. Craig, it is a background I purchased from B&H Photo in New York. It must have been my camera settings when I shot this one as that texture usually does not show up

  4. Geoff,
    By all means share your Spits previously published at the Spitfire Site here, or I can (in time) do it for you 🙂

    The Mk XIX was one of the first "New" Airfix kits to appear on the market, and I had to build one myself! I think you've made a commendable job on the PR camo. Could you please share your surface shading technique?

  5. Very nice - doing a monochromatic scheme and making it interesting yet not "overdone" is not easy, and you have done so. I am waiting for the 1/48 kit impatiently.

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