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Brett Peacock
12 articles

"Gustavo!"Italian for Gustav...

November 28, 2012 · in Aviation · · 3 · 3.4K

This is the Bf109G-6 in scale, depicted in RSI markings of the famous "Diavoli Rosso" (Red Devils) squadriglia. This Boxing from Hasegawa had two options, both from the same unit, Yellow 7 and yellow 8.

The factory applied German markings I painted out in RLM02, top and bottom, even placing a small diamond over the tail fin swastika position. Note how far inboard the Cross position on the upper wing is compared to the RSI fasces.

I used making tape for the seat belts and built the kit largely OOB.

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2  Awesome

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3 responses

  1. Nice to see an RSI aircraft. Don't see too many of them done. Looks the part, Luftwaffe markings overpainted, theirs added.

  2. Thanks for the comments.

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