"Gustavo!" – Italian for Gustav...
This is the Hasegawa Bf109G-6 in 1/48 scale, depicted in RSI markings of the famous "Diavoli Rosso" (Red Devils) squadriglia. This Boxing from Hasegawa had two options, both from the same unit, Yellow 7 and yellow 8.
The factory applied German markings I painted out in RLM02, top and bottom, even placing a small diamond over the tail fin swastika position. Note how far inboard the Cross position on the upper wing is compared to the RSI fasces.
I used making tape for the seat belts and built the kit largely OOB.
Very nice!
Nice to see an RSI aircraft. Don't see too many of them done. Looks the part, Luftwaffe markings overpainted, theirs added.
Thanks for the comments.