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Adam Dormer
4 articles

My 1/32 Republic F-105D Thunderchief – “Alice’s Joy”

November 15, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 4.8K

I submit for your consideration my (mostly) Republic F-105D .

"Alice's Joy" was Col. Jack Broughton's ride when he was the Vice Wingie at the 355 TFW at Tahkli, Thailand circa 1967. Having read all of Broughton's books, it had to be his bird I built. For those of you who don't know the story, Broughton was sacked from his job for protecting two pilots junior to he, that had straffed the Russian freighter "Turkistan" whilst anchored in Haiphong habour. These pilots had giving the ship a taste of their Vulcans after receiving AAA fire from it. Broughton burnt the gun film and was eventually court-marshelled for destruction of U.S government property - thus ending his very distinguished USAF career - fighting for his country in three wars. I guess his bird (later shot down over RP1 with the loss of pilot Maj. William Bennett on 2nd Sept, 1967) sums up to me the insanity of how the air war over Nth Vietnam was run - largely from the White House.

It took me a few years to amass all the "after market" parts needed (extensive!) to bring this pretty crude model up to scratch. I also added a modified pilot (to climbing from sitting) and a scratch built ladder out of copper tube.

It was a challenging build, but personally rewarding as it is probably the most complex build I've ever attempted. Seeing this model completed (never having seen the real thing) does give me some idea just how majestic this mighty bird truely was.

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3  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. I 'was' gonna post MY 32nd Thud, Adam...but not now. Well, maybe later (much later). That's nice work.

  2. Great model, I like your attention to detail and painting/finishing.

    Funny, I was sure that the last shot was made with the real a/c posing in front of a hangar door... until I looked up close 🙂

    • Thanks for that compliment! This build was an absolute labour of love as the "5" is my all time fav jet. Those that took this beast up "North" into RP6A are in my mind the bravest of the brave. The scratch built ladder and pilot figure were models in themselves. Kinda sad the build is over. I may add one more photo, as I recently received an actual throttle for a F-105D and want to take a photo of the two together.
      Your model photo hosting site is great!

  3. i just received the 1/72 version of this Trumpeter kit. It's a BIG aircraft and a large model even in the "divine scale". Can't picture just how big yours actually is. Very nicely done.

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