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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

1/32 F-86 Sabre

December 7, 2012 · in Uncategorized · · 5 · 1.6K

Kinetic with AMS Resins cockpit. Kit decals to do Joe McConnell's final F-86F-25. Best compliment I ever got on this model was an e-mail from former RAF Squadron Leader Roy French, who as Flt Lt Roy French, RAF exchange pilot with the 51st FIW, was McConnell's wingman in 1953 and told me the model "looks real."

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5 responses

  1. It does look great - who doesn't love a yellow band Korean Sabre.
    When I get around to it, I want to do Mig Mad Marine.

    How was the kinetic kit - heard som bad things (compared to the old Hase) the other day

  2. Tom... Great looking Sabre, one of my favorite aircraft to model.

  3. Nice. Just traded for a F86F-35, Academy. Will take a while before I run out of WWII subjects, though. NMF needs to be approached some day.

  4. Looks like it's all ready to scoot up to MiG Alley to stir up some trouble, Tom. Beautiful finish, what did you use for the metal?

    • I used the no-longer-available Talon acrylic metalizer paints.

      As an aside, when I first got the kit, I thought the surface detail was way over the top. Then a week later I was out at Chino, where we have three of them, and took a good look. You can indeed see the rivet detail like the kit has from about 6-8 feet away, and believe it or not that wing center section is filled with Phillips-head screws! It was how they got the wing "stiff enough" for high speed yet limber enough for maneuverability. So the bottom line is, the kit's surface detail is not "overdone."

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