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Charlie Isaacs
3 articles

1/48 Smer FIAT Cr32

December 5, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 4.1K

This is Smer's FIAT Cr32. Many of Smer's kits are old Artiplast re-releases and are very crude. They are usually in 1/50th scale. This one seems closer to actual 1/48th scale. The decals were useless (yellowed and only in Austrian Air Force markings), so I searched the internet and found and image of Cr32s fighting in the Balearic Islands at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. These markings were easy to paint, so my decision was made. This kit requires some modeling skills - there is no interior to speak of other than a seat, so I added interior tubing and an instrument panel. I think this is the best of the Smer Regia Aeronautica kits.

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2  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Wow this is a REALLY venerable kit. IIRC the Artiplast release dated back to the early 1960s? Good job bringing it up to standards.

  2. Thanks! Not a lot of choices for this historically important plane.

  3. Charlie, love that CR32. You made a silk purse from a sow's ear! Although, that CR 32 MAY be one of Artiplast's more accurate kits. I like the bottom wing striping on it, too. Bravo!

  4. The Cr32 is one of my favorite planes from the "between-wars" years. It just has a very elegant look to me and you've done a good job capturing that! I've thought about buying this very kit several times just to have the Cr32 in my collection. This build may inspire me to do just that. Thanks!

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