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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Fw-190D-13 "Yellow 10"

December 9, 2012 · in Aviation · · 5 · 2.2K

Done back in 2001, using the Wurger Mechanic conversion (fuselage, prop and spinner) with the Trimaster Fw-190D kit. Decals were from Eagle Editions.

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5 responses

  1. Tom. you're an animal! Fantastic rendition of "Gelbe 10" and the paint job looks more accurately rendered than the recently refurbished museum piece. I suppose it must be up in Seattle now after the wing swap.

    • It is up at the Museum of Flight. That paint scheme they did sure had Jerry Crandall shaking his head, he worked with them closely and they still turned it into a cartoon.

      I did this one the way the original was painted. Overall 75/76, then aplied the JG 26 Reichverteidigung bands, then the decals, then airbrushed the camo colors on around the markings. For those who think a Paasche H is "passe," all these models are painted with my Paasche H.

      As far as "being an animal," it's just 15 years worth of pictures I never dumped out of my computer after doing the reviews.

  2. Nice work, TC...and better photography as well. Good job.

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