Fw-190D-13 "Yellow 10"
Done back in 2001, using the Wurger Mechanic conversion (fuselage, prop and spinner) with the Trimaster Fw-190D kit. Decals were from Eagle Editions.
Done back in 2001, using the Wurger Mechanic conversion (fuselage, prop and spinner) with the Trimaster Fw-190D kit. Decals were from Eagle Editions.
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Tom. you're an animal! Fantastic rendition of "Gelbe 10" and the paint job looks more accurately rendered than the recently refurbished museum piece. I suppose it must be up in Seattle now after the wing swap.
It is up at the Museum of Flight. That paint scheme they did sure had Jerry Crandall shaking his head, he worked with them closely and they still turned it into a cartoon.
I did this one the way the original was painted. Overall 75/76, then aplied the JG 26 Reichverteidigung bands, then the decals, then airbrushed the camo colors on around the markings. For those who think a Paasche H is "passe," all these models are painted with my Paasche H.
As far as "being an animal," it's just 15 years worth of pictures I never dumped out of my computer after doing the reviews.
Nice work, TC...and better photography as well. Good job.
Better work in PhotoShop. 🙂
Beautiful !
It seems we have the same taste...