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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Hasegawa 1/32 Bf-109F-4

December 15, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2K

Since everybody likes 109s, here's the long-awaited Bf-109F-4, done as Marseille's "Gelbe 14" with Lifelike Decals. Paints are Xtracrylix, "sun faded." Model done last year when it was first released.

The "Friedrich" was the best combination of engine and armament, and easily the best-looking "Hundert-neun".

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4 responses

  1. Wow Tom! You da man, man! Great work on all these German birds. I bought the Hobbycraft "Desert Emil" in a close-out sale a few years ago. I think it's the E4-7 model. Can it be built into a decent model?

    • The Hobbycraft model is certainly not up to the standards of say the Hasegawa or Tamiya or the new Eduard 1/48 109s, but it can indeed make up into a nice model. I would definitely get the Falcon/Squadron vacuform canopy, and there are still a boatload of aftermarket decals out there that can lead to a cool-looking model. It's like photography: if you have an "eye" you can take photographs with an old instamatic; if you don't have an eye, you'll take snapshots with a Hasselblad. I built several nice models from that kit when it came out 20-odd years ago.

  2. Great. Here's a ten.

  3. Very beautiful example of a Marseille's plane. Good job.

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