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Hans Peter Tschanz
94 articles

Swiss Air Force P-51D "Mustang"

July 1, 2015 · in Aviation · · 17 · 3.3K

Swiss Air Force
P-51D J-2056 ex 44-72242
Pilot Lt Christian Lippuner
Squadron 21
Kit: 1:32

Best Regards
Hanspeter Tschanz

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Good looking Mustang, and very nice photography.

  2. Great looking Mustang Hans, nice clean finish, well done.

  3. People don't often rave about Trumpeter Mustangs, but you deserve great credit for bringing this kit to this level of workmanship.

    Very nice.

  4. Very nicely done! I really like the blue.

  5. Outstanding build AND I echo the kudos on the photography, sir..!

  6. HansPeter, really pretty clean build.

  7. Very nice Hans Peter, a well built and finished Mustang.

  8. Beautiful, Hans Peter, really nice.

  9. Great paint finish and very clever markings, most unusual for this aircraft.

  10. Lovely finish - the Swiss markings look great.

  11. BEAUTIFUL ! Awesome finish. You have brought out the best in this kit. Well done!

  12. I can only echo the comments above: lovely build, great finish and excellent photography. I'm a big fan of Swiss subjects, virtually any aircraft looks great in those markings...

  13. Hello. New to sight. Was wonder on information about this model. My grandfather flew this P-51D tail# 44-72242 CY-R plane in ww2 befor it was sold in in 1948. Was this a manfuctured Kit? any info on buying one of these models would be wonderful. Thank you again and Beautiful Work.

  14. Habe den Kit von Trumpeter gekauft und die Decals von ,
    Freundlichen Grüssen Hans Peter

  15. Hallo Doug, hätten Sie ein Bild von Ihrem Grossvater welche Einheit war er und wo? Würde mich interessieren. Freundlichen Grüssen Hans Peter

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