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Red Baron

December 18, 2012 · in Aviation · · 8 · 2.8K

Recently, we had several mentions of the racing Mustangs: here, here and here, so I thought it is the right moment to pull out this from my archives. Here is the model of the most famous of them all, the Red Baron, seen at the Scale Modelworld a few years ago. In scale, of course. Needless to say we (the public) were stunned by the finish of this model.

Unfortunately I don't know the name of the model builder. Anyone?

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. This is simply fantastic! The best racer model I've seen. Bravo.

  2. Do you have any background on the kit, Martin...? It appears to be 32nd scale (unless my depth perception is also failing, along with everything else). I don't think it's an actual kit, so much of it I would assume had to have been scratch-built. In any event, it's an outstanding model...probably the best I've seen for that category. Thanks for posting.

  3. Martin... I assume that is the 32nd scale kit. I love doing air racers but I can't do that scale. I am working up the nerve to spend the bucks for the 48th scale version. I am doing Precious Metal at the moment. Beautiful work of this racer.

  4. No, sorry not much information at all, except that it was in 1/32 scale. Not sure which kit was involved in the conversion, certainly not Tamiya as this was before its release.

    Jack, looking forward to see your WIP.

  5. It was most likely the one Paul Fisher released two years ago. No longer available, sold out. That's the only one besides his I have seen built up. I have been hoping to get one to do for Steve Hinton.

  6. @tcinla, that would be the most likely explanation if not for the fact that my pics from Telford are dated November 2009. Hmm.

  7. I was just checking and it started selling in 2009, then stopped in early 2011, and since there never was another one in 1/32 with that level of detail, it has to be one of those kits.

  8. I believe it was built by Nick Turner, (whereabouts unknown). Paul Fisher bought it from Nick and reverse-engineered it to make his RB-51 resin kit.

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