1/48 Hasegawa CF-104 Starfighter
This is not a recently finished one, but one of my favourite Starfighters with TuAF markings. Turkey is one of the very first countries to receive the F-104s within the MAP program in 1963. Later, in 70s and 80s TuAF continued to receive different types of Starfighters. In 1986 44 pcs CF-104G & 6 pcs CF-104D were received from Canada. TuAF used the CF-104 s till 1995 when they are replaced by F-16 C/Ds.
The base kit is from Hasegawa “CF-104 Starfighter Tiger meet” (# 9712). Construction started by painting the cockpit components as usual. They are painted to FS 36231 (gray) by Gunze Sangyo Acrylic.
The modifications in the cockpit are:
-Eduard PE set
-Cutting Edge C2 ejection seat (CEC 48254)
For applying SEA caomuflage I used Gunze Sangyo acrylics.
Upper surfaces are painted to FS 34102 (H303), FS 34079 (H309) and FS 30219 (H310). Underside color is FS 36622 (H311).
The auxiliary (underwing) fuel tanks are not included in the Hasegawa box .
Instead of waiting for the next century the most accurate set to be produced, I preferred to use the only option available in the market although its shape is not exactly right. This is AIRDOC ADR 48006 –Auxiliary fuel tanks & pylons set.
The national insignias, numbers and flag are from Turquoise decals. And the stencils are from the spares box. The last modification is made for the pitot tube. Before finishing the model, I added Fine molds AC-51 pitot tube to my TuAF Starfighter.
Happy modelling
That's a tasty Starfighter!
Boy, you just keep crankin' out those "10's", doncha...? Very nice work!
Very nice 104! I really like the subtle weathering all over the surfaces.
Very nice work and as Anders pointed out, the weathering is nice and subtle. And I agree with Craig about what it deserves.
Wow great build
Excellent work, that's a tasty lawn dart!
Really impressive, well detailed and neat realization.