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1/48 Spitfire Mk.XII converted from Tamiya Mk.V

January 20, 2013 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.7K

Here is one of my old stories from the past. I did not checked my notes but probably this was my first converted model including some surgery and inexperience. This is Mk.12 with the markings of 41 st squadron ( EB-B MB 882 ) flown by Lt.Donald Smith during 1944.

's MkVb converted to Mk.12c by using “Paragon Mk.12 conversion” and “Airwaves C wing” sets.

I've used RAF seat belts in the cockpit. The painting was done with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics.

Happy modelling

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6 responses

  1. Great conversion, looks much better Airfix))!
    Question - wing from Tamiya VB did not work without alterations?

  2. Looks like a mainstream kit bumped up several notches. The photo's of the finished model don't give any hint of the kits pedigree being made up of resin parts from several companies.
    Like the washes underneath the wings and the large roundels on the upper wing have just hint of brown in them.

    Two thumbs up.

  3. Great work! I've never been able to master resin conversions, but you whipped it into shape quite nicely.

  4. Superb workmanship as usual, Tolga...excellent finish as well. Great pics.

  5. So, a third conversion set for the Mk.XII (I've done the other two myself). No wonder Airfix realized doing a Mk.XII was a good commercial bet.

    Very nice work on this model. A "10" (as usual with you)

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