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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Attack of the 109s, Pt. 5: 1/32 Hasegawa Bf-109G-12

January 22, 2013 · in Aviation · · 2 · 2.2K

Here's the only kit of the Bf-109G-12. Back in 2006, my good friend the late Dave Thompson, retired President of the Erie, PA Hell's Angels, all around nice guy, and lifelong modeler (you should have seen his scratchbuilt 1/32 Ju-87C Stuka with wings that actually folded, among many many others), designed a drop-fit resin conversion to do the G-12, with resin fuselage halves so thin they looked like injection plastic,. resin cockpit and vacuformed canopy. He sent it to me to build, to see if there might be a market out there for it. Unfortunately he died of a heart attack before anything could happen, so this one-and-only now resides out at Planes of Fame. Decals for an Avizione della R.S.I. trainer from the decal dungeon. (And yes, Dave used to "cause concern" when he rode up on his '58 panhead chopper in full colors, climbed off and pulled out an award-winner from the box strapped on back)

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

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2 responses

  1. Great model Tom! I love the camo and marking s on this one.

  2. Not a subject you see every day. Very well done!

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