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Magnus Fridsell
13 articles

1/72 Hasegawa FW-190 D-9

February 28, 2013 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3K

An end-of-February-addition from me... I got this one from a friend in unpainted condition and after languishing alone in it's box for a few years I let it be part of my happy Ta-152-family... Big brother was finished before it's younger siblings!

Kit is almost from the box, I used an absolute minimum (antennae and structure behind pilot's head) amount of sheet metal from a HUGE Eduard kit that I spent a HUGE amount of money on πŸ™‚ ...

Paint is Gunze acrylics and decals are from Aeromaster. I used only the more complicated ones, everything that is single-colour and could be cut from tape was masked and painted. I liked the fact that this machine is a bit unusual in that it has the earlier flat canopy and still retains the mechanism for keeping the antenna wire tight.

(Heavily) weathered using Vallejo acrylics and oils.



Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. WOW! Very well done, especially for the scale!

  2. I like it a lot, very nice finish, mottling and weathering!.

  3. 1/72nd scale...really? Are you kidding me!? I've seen one THIRTY second scale examples that pale in comparison (mine leaps to mind). A jaw-dropping 10 for that, Magnus. Nice work indeed.

  4. Very nice, Magnus! I agree with Craig, the finish on this one make it look larger than it really is.

  5. great job! I'm definately into the heavily weathered look on these old birds.

  6. Thanks for all your kind comments!



  7. That's a great job for such a beautiful subject! I really like it!

  8. Jorge! Thanks!


  9. Hi Magnus, still going through the older posts to check out the work posted on the site from before I joined. Nicely done Dora, and I especially like the subtlness of the camo paint job you appied on her-no easy task in 1/72nd scale.

  10. Thanks a lot Erich! Low pressure, well thinned Gunze acrylics and my Iwata helps a lot... And the fact that I really enjoy the painting part of my projects!

    Regards Magnus

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