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Drew Tarter
27 articles

Monogram 1/48 SBD-3 Dauntless

March 22, 2013 · in Aviation · · 8 · 4.2K

I built this many years ago, and it I think it was the first time I used an aftermarket resin cockpit (Missing Link, maybe?). I tried to make it look more like a -3 by adding a spinner cut down from the Monogram SB2C Helldiver kit, and adding life raft and baggage compartment doors from thin sheet plastic. I dropped the flaps, and hand-drilled all 264 holes with an X-acto knife! I cut away the molded-in engine, and added one from the spares box. The dual rear machine guns came from gluing together two guns from the Monogram TBD, and wheels and ammo belts were from True Details. I added a vac canopy, and decals from the spares box to depict an SBD-3 from USS Yorktown during the Battle of Midway. I scratch-built a bomb swing and tailhook, too. A lot of work, but I'm still very proud of this old kit.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. That Missing Link set was a lifesaver 20 years ago when this was still the only thing going for over 30 years. Nice work.

  2. Agree with Tom, nice job turning an older kit into a really nice model.

  3. Thank you both!

  4. Yes very nice build I have a 90s pressing of the kit in the stash, makes me want to get it out. Good job!

  5. Talk about,"Some thing Old ,Some thing New,Some thing Borrowed,and Some thing Blue." from the looks of it you married that kit given the time put into it.

    Two Thumbs up on this one. Back in the day these kits were a children's toys/Models with spinning props, landing gears that when up and down and a droppable bombs. Monogram was moving towards developing more kits that were scale and were not shy about using rivets.

    This kits falls under the category of "Some modeling Skill required" and is fitting in showing us how it can be done. With out the use of "Resin goodies" and "PE". It reminds me of a time when people used pencil and paper and had to make things on their own. Modeling unplugged.

    • Thanks, Stephen. Even when I get around to building my Accurate Miniatures SBD's, I'll still keep this one on the shelf for the reasons you mentioned.

  6. Nice work on that classic kit!

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