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Patrick Herrmann
6 articles

P-40E Build complete, my apologies for getting toothy again.

March 15, 2013 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.1K

Here is the final product! The completed subject of my build log in the WIP page. I've been in a toothy mood lately so I used Baracuda Cals representing Col. Scott's aircraft. It's finished with MM Acryls, "faded" with a little yellow for the OD and white for the N. Grey. Windsor Newton oil wash and AK interactive streaking. The flat coat was tinted with a touch of tan to bring everything together. There are a few small details I'd like to correct and i'll eventually get around to those. Feel free to ask any questions!

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10 responses

  1. said on March 15, 2013

    Wow! Nice build, love the subtile weathering!

  2. Ditto on the weathering/panel lines/ detail(s), etc. - nice work. And I love those belly shots (good job).

  3. I'll agree with the others: great build. And the streaking along the airflow on the wings' upper and lower surface is particularly convincing. How did you do it?

    • While doing the oil wash for the panel lines i remove the excess wash with the airflow as expected but following the wipe down i take a wide brush dampened with thinner and stroke front to back pulling a little bit the the oil paint out of the panel lines and streaking. I'll also wipe away the paint in front of some panel lines to make it appear fluid or grime is originating from the panel line.

  4. That is definitely one of the best, most realistically-weathered models of a P-40 (or anything else) I have seen in a long time. An easy 11. šŸ™‚

  5. Can't think of anything intelligent to say that's not already been said. This is one really beautiful build/finish. OK, Tom... where's that 11 button?...

  6. No illusions of grandeur in this one ergo the Spanish school is totally missing. Patrick, one niggle the tires ...what are your opinions on painting tires. Some folks pull out a jar of flat black and then shoot some grey paint or they apply some gray pastels. I'm of the opinion that tires are not black but are a dark gray or blue gray with some lighter tones of gray's mixed with earth colors. If done right they represent the weight of the A/C and should show a little bulge to give the illusion of weight and help connect the A/C to the ground.


    • Interesting discussion topic! And you've pointed out one of the things i want to improve. I prefer weighted tires myself and I may try the iron trick on this one because it does appear to be levitating a bit. I paint my tires floquil weathered black (really dark grey), give them a black wash to add dimension, flat coat (tinted with earth tones) and weather with pastel powder. I could probably add a little more. On the weighted tire side of the fence I prefer a subtle bulge. Most after-market tires are too bulged for my taste bordering on flat. As a pilot I'd have them serviced prior to flying:). There is the possibility that tires were under inflated to improve handling on unimproved strips but that's still pretty extreme. I also display my models on black bases and the round kit tires aren't as noticeable as on the white. Thanks for the input, let me know if I need to further elaborate!

  7. That's a nice build, it's always nice to see teeth.

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