Trumpeter Sukhoi su-25 / czech
I'm a very sloooow modeller, so it took me a year (exactly) to complete this big bird. I really enjoy 32 scale models, but where the heck does one place them when they are done?
Anyways, the model was a joy to build. I've added an Aires cockpit and avionics bay, which really lifts the model to another level.
Painting was done using various Gunze an Tamiya acrylics.
Henrik... Well built and detailed. When one builds in that scale and details are added, a lot of time is required. Finding space to display models of that size is a common problem that keeps me in 48th scale projects. Great photos as well.
I can't add anything more than what Jack has already said, except for the fact that if you find there's no room to display your builds, let me know and I'll throw out all my stuff I refer to as model airplanes and you can send me yours - lol -
Me too!
Great lookin' plane, Is that the one they call the Frogfoot?
It is indeed the "Frogfoot" Jeff. Excellent work Henrik. If you have an air museum anywhere in your vicinity, 1/32 is the perfect "museum" scale.
Lemme try to answer that one, Jeff...1/32nd lends itself to detailing a bit more than smaller scales and the viewer usually doesn't have to squint to see the work. At least that's my thought(s) on why the larger scale. TC may have additional info.
Thanx Craig, but I meant why do they call the SU-25 the "Frogfoot"?
All russian fighters are given af NATO name starting with F (not the F*** word) like Frogfoot, Fencer, Foxbat, Flogger etc. Bombers are named with af B, like Bear and finally choppers are given H names like Hind and Hip.I don't think there is any specific reason why the su-25 is called Frogfoot
Awesome work. Makes me want to build a modern Sturmovich