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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

5 P-38s flying at Chino yesterday

May 5, 2013 · in Show Reports · · 1 · 1.3K

Fortunately I was at the show yesterday, with the nice clear skies and the 85F temps (even if it did get breezy enough in the afternoon I thought we were going to be blown off the announcer's stand along with everything on the table). Today it was low clouds and cool and drizzle or rain tonight (since I am 8 miles east of the big fire in Ventura County, let our drought break at least this time)

More pix to come.

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1  Awesome

19 additional images. Click to enlarge.

1 response

  1. Wow! I did not know that there were that many P-38s flying. Who does most of the restoration of the restored a/c? Simply amazing to see them all in flight.

    Out here I am fortunate to have the Military Aviation Museum with it's beautiful collection of flying aircraft. Here is one of my favorite shots from one of their events. The grass field and line of trees make for picturesque background. This P-40E was pulled out of Burma or similar location, not sure.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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