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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles

Hasegawa’s 1/72 A-1H Skyraider, USN Vietnam

July 4, 2013 · in Aviation · · 5 · 2.2K

This was one of those kits that you really enjoy building. Just enough detail to really not need any AM bits other than a choice of decals. Other than the aforementioned decals, it was OOB. Something different as there are a few Skyraiders that we see with the same markings. This one from VA-145, a little green to add to the Lt Gull Grey over white. The hardest part was to reproduce the signature double exhaust stains along the fuselage and the typical grimy leaky center drop tank. Thanks for viewing.

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5 responses

  1. Profile Photo
    said on July 4, 2013

    Cool Skyraider Chuck! Still a sizeable model in 1/72 isn't it? Again i'm puzzelled why Tamiya haven't rescaled their great 1/48 kit to 1/72? Hasegawa kit looks nice tho'. Great work!

  2. Thanks Gregor, yes it is, just like the F-105 nearby on the shelf, it is quite large. Even walking around the real one, It is amazing how much more larger the Navy birds are compared to their Air Force/Corps brethren. Corsair/Mustang, Hellcat/P40, only the Thunderbolt was compatible in size. Navy philosophy, large fuel tanks for long flights to target, time on target, and return flight to the fleet. Thus larger planes to complete the mission.

    • Profile Photo
      said on July 4, 2013

      Chuck wasn't it the case that the Skyraider could carry the same war/payload as a B-17? Although not the most attractive of warplanes it certainly has to be one of the most effective! I'd like to do one from the Korean conflict in the overall Navy blue scheme.

  3. I think it's big and beautiful, but maybe not pretty!

  4. Chuck,
    Very nice. I think the Skyraider is beautiful. It's not the bully of the block BUT you better not mess with it. It's like the little dog vs the big dog. The little dog has to keep yapping to show it's ferocity. The big dog will just bite your head off. I loved to see these during flight op' s on BHR. Standing on the bridge guarding the Capt. It always amazed me how slowly they rolled off the deck with all their load. Love the Navy, USMC stuff.

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