More work on the "Cave"
Small room, but feel blessed to have a space, not sure about the other walls, but these I like and I am just about ready to start gluing and painting again! Not sure where to hang my flight jacket, I still wear it out now and again. Everything from my Navy years to art my kids did to a $1.99 Frisbee I found recently at Fred and Meyer. I am trying to re-create the look of various "Navy" bars I have been in over the past 26 years and umpteen cruises, where all sorts of random stuff has been added over the years. Kinda like me and my Navy career.
I like your taste in music!
Thanks, had Pandora on listening to everything from the Clash to Johnny Cash while I set things up!
Your missing something sailor, otherwise it looks shipshape. You pass inspection.
Fly Navy
Well I am missing several things still but what in particular
The coffee cup, your a Chief, for your cup of joe. What's a Navy Chief without his obligatory cup in his right when handing out the plan of the day.
Cool room, like the musical touch. I saw the Clash in Oakland in 1980-they opened up for The Pretenders along with Bow Wow Wow. Great show, my ears are still ringing from those Fenders cranking it out!
HA! Yes Chuck I always have my coffee, but since this was a late night session what you can't see is the pint of Pike's IPA on the desk, and Eric that must have been an epic concert!